Monday, February 09, 2009

Authors! Has This Happened to YOU?

Since I started selling my old books through Amazon, and my old 45s through, I had always wondered if this might happen, and now it has: I've sold a book back to its author.

I don't need to embarrass anyone by revealing the author's name. Just know that this was a vanity-published "think-and-grow-rich" book that I got as a review copy, back when I was editing a pennysaver and a quarterly business magazine. And as far I know, mine was the only copy that was ever offered on Amazon. But I know how stingy publishers today can be with contributors' copies. So just don't let yourself be caught short.

Despite the fact that I work for one of the world's largest printing companies, I do not get an employee discount program for any of the books we print, just a vendor discount on magazines. Guess otherwise all of our employees would be slogging Harry Potter books on Amazon.

Meantime, here's My Amazon Storefront.

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