But now, I must finally make time to post this bit of personal news: I've been published! Yes, I not only play a writer on the blogosphere, but I do it in real life! And sometimes I even get paid -- just not this time.
Almost two years ago, one of my college professors, Dr. John Lawrence, e-mailed that he was co-editing a book on Star Wars fandom, and that he immediately thought of me. I've always thought of myself more as an unreconstructed Trekkie, so my ideal topic was the current fan backlash against the newer "prequel trilogy" films (cough! cough! *Jar-Jar*). As you can see from the link just to the right, the book has finally been published -- it was originally to come out during the original hype for "Revenge of the Sith," but here it is, some 9 months after the DVD came out, instead. Such is the academic publishing world. The fact that I kept sloughing off my article until I dragged myself kicking and screaming to its completion only a few weeks after deadline had nothing to do with its lateness. Just check out "Finding the Force of the Star Wars Franchise: Fans, Merchandise, & Critics." Both editors keep flattering me that my little humorous piece was worth the wait. You can see for yourself with this PDF preview of my article. But of course I need to strike now while the book is fresh, so I've signed on as an Amazon Associate so you can buy the book directly from this link and I get an eentsy commission. Because in this line of writing, your usual form of compensation is a contributor's copy (but I can tell you there's also a paperback edition there). Can you guess that I'm also sticking in as many links to other Amazon stuff as I can? You betcha!
Meantime, the editor remind me that they have their own blog about the book itself, at LiveJournal.com.
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