Friday, June 27, 2003

Time to play a little catch-up:

The Homebrewers Conference was a lot of fun, even though I didn't win anything in the National Homebrew Competition. Thursday was Club Night, at which I helped man the BOSS booth. At least I got people to sample my Chile Beer and agree that there is such a thing as Chile Beer that doesn't suck. Also brought a crock pot of my Green Chile Pork Stew, which was halfway eaten before somebody remarked that it was still cold� the specialty outlets at the hotel didn't work right, and I needed an electrician to bring a power block (even then, one attendee told me it was "still the best food here!").

I was registered for all day Saturday, but my pal Nelson wanted to go, and I talked Barb into coming, so long as it was just to the "Real Beer Real Food" night. I not only can't rememebr how many beers I had, I'm not sure I remember how many different kinds of beer I had. A lot of mostly sausages and cheeses were sampled, not to mention Eli's Cheesecake.

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